11 Overlooked ’80s Fantasy Films That Deserve Your Attention

Among 80s Fantasy Films, iconic classics like “The NeverEnding Story” and “The Princess Bride” definitely stand out. However, beyond the well-known titles lies a treasure trove of fantasy films that have been unjustly overlooked but are, in fact, truly remarkable. In this article, we’ll journey back in time to the ’80s and shine a spotlight on 11 forgotten ’80s fantasy films that are, without a doubt, worth revisiting. Plus, we’ll guide you on where to watch these hidden gems today.

11 Overlooked 80s Fantasy Films

1. Ladyhawke (1985)

80s fantasy films. ladyhawke 1985

“Ladyhawke” is a captivating tale of love and adventure directed by Richard Donner. Starring Matthew Broderick, Rutger Hauer, and Michelle Pfeiffer, the film is set in a medieval world where a young thief, a former knight, and his lover must break a curse that keeps them forever apart. With its enchanting score and breathtaking scenery, “Ladyhawke” offers a spellbinding experience.

Why it’s a hidden gem: Despite its unique and engaging storyline, “Ladyhawke” remains somewhat overshadowed by other classic 80s fantasy films. Its blend of romance and adventure, combined with strong performances, makes it a must-watch for fantasy enthusiasts.

Where to watch: “Ladyhawke” is available for streaming on Amazon Prime.

2. The Flight of Dragons (1982)

The Flight of Dragons (1982)

This animated gem takes viewers on an epic journey through a magical world filled with mythical creatures. “The Flight of Dragons” follows a young man transported to a mystical realm, where he joins forces with dragons and wizards to save the kingdom from an evil sorcerer. Featuring the voices of James Earl Jones, John Ritter, and Harry Morgan, this film offers a captivating blend of traditional and animated storytelling.

Why it’s a hidden gem: “The Flight of Dragons” is often overlooked in discussions of ’80s fantasy films, but its imaginative world-building and heartfelt message make it a standout fantasy adventure.

Where to watch: You can find “The Flight of Dragons” on various streaming platforms like Amazon Prime and Vudu.

3. The Last Unicorn (1982)

The Last Unicorn

Based on the beloved novel by Peter S. Beagle, “The Last Unicorn” is a visually stunning animated fantasy that tells the story of a unicorn who embarks on a quest to find her lost kin. Along the way, she encounters a bumbling magician, a fierce harpy, and an evil king who seeks to imprison all unicorns. With its lyrical storytelling and hauntingly beautiful animation, this film is a hidden gem that deserves more recognition.

Why it’s a hidden gem: “The Last Unicorn” has a devoted cult following, but it often flies under the radar when discussing ’80s fantasy films. Its unique blend of magic and melancholy sets it apart from more conventional animated fare.

Where to watch: You can watch “The Last Unicorn” on platforms like Hulu and Tubi.